Thursday, June 6, 2013

Boston Young Contemporaries and Vacation Time

So I found out last week one of the three pieces I submitted was selected to be a part of the Boston Young Contemporaries Exhibit in Boston starting on July 26th and running to August 24th! The piece they selected is called "the women" and here it is...

The opening and awards ceremony is on July 26th from 6-9pm. I will be there for the opening weekend only, but at least I will be there. From the exhibition in Boston I will be taking a detour to New York City for a week before returning home. Hopefully, I will get to every art museum and be completely inspired and ready to get to making amazing art when I get home. I'm excited about the summer, but at the same time I'm still trying to figure out how to keep my Fibromyalgia under control while it is all happening. I think the last will be a lost cause, but I have a lot of coping mechanisms and when all else fails really strong pain killers and drugs to knock me out :) Not letting my illness bring me down! As my mentor says, "Onward and Upward!"

Also, I have let all my work dry and dropped it off to be packed up and shipped off to Boston! Two weeks to residency. I'm looking forward to it! I'm taking the two weeks before residency as vacation time from school. I will be spending time in my studio but not as diligently as usual. I'm making time to do things outside, exercise, visit and talk with friends (finally), and of course do the readings and rework some of my papers.

With all of the ups and downs of this semester I think it turned out to be a good one. I'm ready for Residency 3 :)