Upon my return home from Boston my new Mentor invited me to her collaborative exhibit Onn/Of Light Festival. The entrance to the exhibit was through a shady back door entrance with black and white drippy 8ft plywood signs. Again, I was skeptical of the entire event based on first impression. Once inside the show took on a different tone. It felt sort of like a night club art opening.
There were free standing sculptures, paintings, crafting centers, holograms, filmography and even a prison style tattoo station.
The theme of every piece was supposed to be light in the gloom of winter. I think some of the pieces were very successful on their own, but I felt a lot of the work needed some form of explanation. It got me thinking about what is too much and too little information for the common viewer. At what point as a conceptual artist do you give more, and is it even necessary? Is the confusion of the art itself part of the entire project?